I have been planning to go on strike all day, and then I saw this! Perfect!
That's right...this Groovy Grandma is going on strike!
My darling husband and I have been empty nesters for a couple of years now. I always told people it was good we still like each other so much after 33 years. Then our youngest daughter and her husband asked if they could move in with us for a few months so they could save money for a down payment on a house. Sure...no problem! We agreed that they would clean the house in exchange for rent and we would share the cooking and dish duties. That arrangement lasted all of four months, after which time she had mopped the kitchen once and vacuumed the living room and entry once. Cooking and dishes...well...enough said.
So when our oldest daughter asked if she could move back home for her last year of college, I was skeptical but wanted to help her out too. She has put herself through school by working full time and going to school full time.She has worked HARD! She always SWORE that she would never move back home again, but she is just finishing her Masters Degree in Social Work and didn't want to take out anymore student loans. So she humbled herself and asked. Of course...move home...no problem!
I figured I had learned some lessons from our first experience, so I decided to go into this one with no expectations.
That is until I asked her to do the dishes occasionally (like three times in the almost five months she has been here) and vacuum the stairs. It's been two weeks since I asked her to do the stairs, and nothing. Yesterday she did the dishes...except four pans. Yup, just four. I reminded her that she needed to do them, but nope. There they sit. My husband is the good cop in our family, and thus I get the bad cop job, but to avoid further confrontation I told him that HE got to be the one to talk to her. Has that happened??? Nope again. So today I am going on STRIKE! I refuse to wash a single dish until my daughter has done all of them. (That was the dish rule around here when the kids were growing up. They weren't done until every dirty dish in the house was clean all at once.) Or if he wants, the good cop can do them. Either is great with me.
I think I will go cook dinner now, and I might just use every pot and utensil in the house.
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