That's right, all of my professors and fellow students speak computer, and it is a foreign language to me.
I have learned a lot since I returned to school a little over a year ago, but I am still not a native speaker, nor am I fluent...yet. But I try. Yesterday one of the TA's (teacher assistant) for my Mass Communications class spent an hour and a half working with just me on a project that is half of my grade. Due to my lack of computer skills I was struggling with making it work and she just whipped it right out. I learned a lot, but now the question is if I will be able to remember a thing! Then there is my Marketing class. I have to do a presentation in a couple of weeks with "Power Point". Yea, like I have ever done that before either. It's okay though because I have learned that in this electronic world, if you don't know how to do something, just Google it. When did "google" become a verb anyway?
And then there is Math 1040...Intro to Statistics. I was so excited after last semester to never have to learn another Algebra formula. That was all before this class.

My Sadistics...err...I mean Statistics teacher has taken it upon himself to teach us how to use Excel, which is great because I want to learn it. I know that for many jobs it will be an asset to have this as a skill, but could he slow down a little and do each step about five times please?? I guess I will be googling that one too. Or I hear YouTube works. By the end of class I felt like my head was going to explode and I was having a heart attack. I was considering drinking the Kool-Aid, but when I mentioned it to one of my fellow students they just gave me a quizzical look and asked what that means. Like that helped me feel any better about being the oldest one in the class. But never fear, I did make great progress in another area of technological expertise. I decided to text my husband as I walked to my car in the parking lot.
I see students doing it all day - texting as they walk through the crowded halls of the school.
And I did pretty good, until I about ended up in a flower bed! Yup, still got a few more details to work out until I am fluent at this technology thing. Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...
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