The book sweetly explained how flowers are pollinated and how dogs have puppies by using plain language and precious drawings. On the last page it had a cute sketch of a Mommy and Daddy laying under the covers in their bed. The book very delicately described that this was how babies come into Mommies' tummies. We wanted to keep it simple, but also use this as a teaching moment to explain that sex is something we only do AFTER we are married because it is so special. We felt good about how the children reacted and were sure we had taught them well.
The next week, my four year old daughter had a little boy over to play. They were the same age, knew each other from church, and always got along perfectly. One of their favorite things was to play house using a little tent-like covering over our card table.They had a great time. After a couple of hours, we took her buddy home and immediately I could tell something was bothering my sweet girl. She didn't want to talk about it at first, but when her solemn behavior continued, I questioned her again. Looking up into my eyes, this little angel started to cry and suddenly sobbed,
Once I started breathing again, I sat down and put her on my lap.
I tried to remain calm and find out exactly what had happened. Apparently my husband and I had missed a couple of crucial details, because she thought she and her friend had sex when they laid down together under a blanket! WHEW!! Never a dull moment. And it sure made for a great story all these years.
Oh, the thoughts of an innocent mind ;) Would love to be able to 'see' what our little ones were thinking about all the things we teach them! Bet we'd get quite a kick out of it!