Friday, May 9, 2014

That's Disgusting

My granddaughter has a strong personality. There, I said it. I love her to bits and wouldn't change her for the world, but you never have to wonder where you stand with this cute girl.
Her stubborn streak runs so deep that she was over four before she was completely potty trained. No physical reason. She just wanted to show her Mama who was boss.

Sometimes stubbornness is a good thing. Hopefully she will grow up and be very stubborn about making good choices and standing up for her principles, but as a little girl she knows how to push her parents’ buttons.

One day when she was barely three years old, my husband was holding her on his lap. She looked at him and with all the spunk she could muster, asked him “What is THAT?!” pointing to his unibrow. He calmly told her it was his eyebrow. (Note the singular.)
She scrunched up her little face and replied, “Well that’s disgusting! You need to get rid of it!”

Yup, that’s what she said. Precocious little imp, isn't she? Thank goodness her grandpa still thinks she is perfect (because we only get her in small doses). Gotta love the honesty of kids.     


1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I have a few people I need to introduce to your granddaughter. Miss you too Marinann! Email me anytime, Love reading this blog, my daughter giggles when I read it to her...makes it soooo fun!
